Display Screen Equipment

Topics covered in ELB Solutions Ltd's Display Screen Equipment Training course:

- Introduction to Display Screen Equipment
- Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992
- Effects of using DSE
- Posture
- Workstation
- Eye damage
- Portable VDU
- Electrical Safety
- Exercises

...and much more.

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) refers to devices that have alphanumeric or graphic display screen. 

This includes desktop computers, laptops, touch screens, etc. Prolong usage of these instruments can not only cause pain in the neck, shoulders, and back but also strain the eyes and cause fatigue. 

For a lot of people with desk jobs working with Display Screen Equipment, it is usual to sit in one position for long. This can cause Repetitive Strain Injury or RSI.  It is important that everyone who works on a Display Screen for more than two hours a day receives DSE training that can help them understand (and redeem) the long term damages they are causing their bodies without even realising.

ELB Solutions Ltd's Display Screen Equipment Training course will make sure that  you comply to the Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992 as well as 

protect you and your employees from these health issues.