Local Exhaust Ventilation

The COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) Regulations requires employers to assess and reduce or adequately control the risks to their employees from harmful substances at the workplace that could be hazardous to their health. 

It is, therefore, a legal obligation of all employers to prevent or adequately control the exposure of their employees to any hazardous emissions at the workplace. This can be done by using a Local Exhaust Ventilation System or LEV. 

A Local Exhaust Ventilation System is employed to reduce exposure of employees to airborne contaminants such as dust, fumes, vapour, mist, gas, etc. It works by capturing these contaminants at the source of emission and removing them through a point of safe emission or taking them to a filter or scrubber.

It is your duty as a responsible employer to train your staff about Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) if your workplace generates vapour, mist, dust, or fumes so that they know how to best use and maintain the LEV.

Thousands of people each year suffer from ailments due to breathing in contaminants at their work places in spite of using masks and extraction. These problems can easily be prevented by the use of an efficient Local Exhaust Ventilation system. 

From steel work production to a regular kitchen, it is important to make sure that your Local Exhaust Ventilation is working properly and effectively. 

ELB course will take your staff through right from the manufacturing process, to the up keep and to the maintenance of your Local Exhaust Ventilation system. 

Legal Aspects

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASAWA) includes the regulation for Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 and the "COSHH  regulations" were later formed based on the reformations made to this in 2005 and again in 2014. 

To remain compliant with the regulations in addition to protecting the wellbeing of their staff, all employers should take steps to control the exposure of their employees to any hazardous emissions during their work processes by installing an efficient LEV system at the workplace. 

Components of the Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) System

A typical LEV (Local Exhaust Ventilation) system comprises of a hood, duct, filter, fan and exhaust.

The hood collects the emissions or the contaminants, the duct carries them to the filter while the fan regulates the airflow in the system and the exhaust releases it at a safe emission point. 

ELB Solution Ltd's LEV E-learning course will help your staff understand each part in detail so that they can take good care of the system and maintain it well. 

Maintenance of a Local Exhaust Ventilation System

ELB Solution Ltd's LEV E-learning course will teach your staff what to do if your LEV system suddenly stops working. 

Use and Management of Local Exhaust Ventilation System 

HSG 258 lists the duties of an employer in regards to design, use and maintenance and of a LEV system in the work place. Risk assessment should be done of your work processes, emissions, and the degree of control by LEV required must be clearly stated. 

Failure to comply with the specifications will render your business non-compliant with the regulations which can get you into legal trouble costing money and reputation.  

ELB Solution Ltd's LEV E-learning course will make sure your business is compliant and your staff understands and follows all the regulations set by the COSHH.

This online training course makes use of interactive games and engaging videos to train your staff about the importance and proper usage of LEV. There is a final exam at the end of the course, successful completion of which will earn the learner a certificate to prove their competence. You will also be provided with a risk assessment form which completing which will serve as a record of your course completion. 

After purchasing the course, the learner will have one full year to complete it at his/her convenience. 

This certificate of achievement will be valid for three years (one year in case of a refresher course).

Call us at  01905-571177 or 07494547044 to find out more.